Paul Karanick39 Videos

God expects us to Trust Him

God expects us to Trust Him

‘Then the angel of the L ord came and sat under the oak that was in Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, as his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the wine press in order to save it from the Midianites. And the angel of the L ord appeared to him and said […]
The Chase is Real

The Chase is Real

There was a dog chasing a raccoon and suddenly went missing. The dog was not paying attention to the consequences of the chase. Sin is similar to this dog chasing the raccoon, it becomes a desire to keep chasing the sin to get the ultimate fulfilment without realizing the consequences. The chase for satisfaction is […]
After the Resurrection

After the Resurrection

Message by: Pastor Paul Karanick Several times before the death of Jesus, He had told his disciples that this will happen. There is a reference to this fact in Matthew 16. Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭21‬-‭23‬ ‭NASB From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the […]
The Hand of Jesus

The Hand of Jesus

RJ went into a great depression after his doctor prescribed a new medication. He no longer had the energy to do anything. The doctor changed the medication and RJ began to experience the joys of life once again. RJ has a passion for music, but during this time of depression, he no longer wants to […]
Heather Finds Her Calling in Nursing

Heather Finds Her Calling in Nursing

Heather’s Friend told her about a nursing opportunity on a Mercy Ship. After a little research, Heather knew that she was meant for this mission. Mercy ships are floating hospitals that travel to locations where people are in dire need of medical care. Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work […]
Jehoshaphat Praises God During Enemy Attacks

Jehoshaphat Praises God During Enemy Attacks

Jehoshaphat would seek answers from God before going into battle. When the enemy was coming to battle with Jehoshaphat, God told him that he would not need to fight because God would fight for him. Jehoshaphat gathered all the people and instead of fighting the enemy, the people began to praise God. From the Bible: […]
Doing Good, Isn’t Good Enough

Doing Good, Isn’t Good Enough

Doing good deeds is not the answer to being obedient to God. Jesus says that if you love Him, keep His commandments. Notice that He does not say that doing random good deeds is the equivalent. God expects us to study the Scripture and follow what He says. Too many Christians are doing good deeds […]